Basilicata coast to coast is a musical comedy, a journey full of unforeseen events and unexpected meetings. A gang of musicians set off on a journey that will see them walking across the Italian southern region of Basilicata, coast to coast from the Tyrrhenian to the Ionian see, to reach the Song – Theatre Festival of Scanzano Jonico, a little town on the coast of Basilicata, an Italian southern region mostly unknown, where they’re scheduled to perform. In a way, the journey will turn out to be some sort of therapy for all of them. Basilicata coast to coast is a fine, collective, picaresque, smart comedy. Through hilarious gags, brillant dialogues and bitter comments about life, it lifts us up to a surprising end.
Directed by Rocco Papaleo
Screenplay by Valter Lupo Rocco Papaleo
Executive Producer Isabella Cocuzza Arturo Paglia
Distributor: Eagle Pictures
Alessandro Gassman
Paolo Briguglia
Max Gazzè
Rocco Papaleo
Giovanna Mezzogiorno
Claudia Potenza
Michela Andreozzi
Antonio Gerardi
Director of Photography: Fabio Olmi
Costume Designer: Claudio Cordaro
Soundtrack : Rita Marcotulli
Label: Fox Band
Editor: Christian Lombardi
Head Make-up artist: Francesco Nardi